Excel Functions in EAC ToolsExcel Functions in EAC Tools\Single life functionsSingle life functions\Other single life functionsOther single life functions\EIRSL12


EIRSL12 calculates the effective interest rate for single life annuity based on the same parameters that are used for the PVSL12 function. When using spot rates, forward rates, deferred & immediate rates, select & ultimate rates, segment rates, this returns the single interest rate that produces the same present value. Obviously, this is not useful when using a single interest rate.

As for the PVSL12 function, this function has the following simplifying parameters:

·        Frequency = 12 (monthly)

·        COLA = 0 (no COLA)

·        CalculationMethod = 1 (exact method)

·        NoPreRetMort = 0 (use pre-retirement mortality)

·        AnnTiming = 0 (beginning of month)


EIRSL12(CurrentAge, CommencementAge, InterestRate, MortalityTable, [YearsCertain], [StopAge], [Times12], [Rounding])

Parameter Name



Current age of the annuitant (i.e. the age at the valuation date). May be provided as an integer, or as a fractional amount (e.g. years & months).


Age of annuitant at benefit commencement.

·       If CommencementAge > CurrentAge then it will be valued as a deferred annuity.

·       If CommencementAge is missing or zero, then CommencementAge is assumed to be = CurrentAge and it will be valued as an immediate annuity


The interest rate(s) to discount future payments to calculate the present value. May be a number, a percentage, a text string, a named range, or reference to a range.

·       Rates can be defined using these interest definitions.

·       Note: A value that is greater than 25% (i.e. 0.25) will be divided by 100; e.g. if you enter 2.75 it will be treated as .0275 or 2.75%.


Mortality table definition text string.


Number of years guaranteed payments. May be an integer, or a factional amount (e.g. years & months).
Optional, default = 0


Age when the annuity benefit stops -- no payment at this age.
Optional, default = to end of the mortality table.


TRUE or FALSE. Multiply the resulting factor by 12.
Optional, default = FALSE.


Number of decimal places for rounding.
Optional, default = no rounding.