Excel Functions in EAC ToolsExcel Functions in EAC Tools\Regulatory limits and other functionsRegulatory limits and other functions\Medicare tax rate functionsMedicare tax rate functions\MedTaxRate, MedTaxRateER, MedTaxRateSE

MedTaxRate, MedTaxRateER, MedTaxRateSE

These functions return the tax rates for the Hospital Insurance (HI) program. All functions share the same syntax:

·        MedTaxRate returns the payroll tax rate for employees.

·        MedTaxRateER returns the payroll tax rate for employers.

·        MedTaxRateSE returns the payroll tax rate for self-employed workers.

Tax rates are set by law (see sections 1401, 3101, and 3111 of the Internal Revenue Code) and apply to earnings up to a maximum amount (the taxable wage base) for OASDI.

More information can be found at the Social Security web site.


MedTaxRate (Year)

MedTaxRateER (Year)

MedTaxRateSE (Year)

Parameter Name



Year: a 4 digit number.