Excel Functions in EAC ToolsExcel Functions in EAC Tools\Joint life functions

Joint life functions

Excel Functions

Function Name




Joint life

Present value of joint life cash refund annuity


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity -- simplified parameters


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity -- simplified parameters with mortality = GAM83


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity -- simplified parameters with mortality = GATT2003


Joint life

Present value of joint life level income annuity


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity -- simplified parameters with PPA interest and mortality


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity -- simplified parameters with mortality = UP84


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity -- alternative setup


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity with certain period – general formula


Joint life

Present value of joint life annuity for 3 lives, payment stops at the first death -- simplified formula


More Information

To get detailed information about a specific type of joint life annuity, click on the following links.

Type of Annuity


Joint & survivor annuity

An annuity payable during the joint lifetime of 𝑥 and 𝑦, with a provision that upon the first death, a percentage of the original amount is payable during the remaining lifetime of the survivor, regardless of who dies first.

Contingent joint & survivor annuity

An annuity payable during the joint lifetime of 𝑥 and 𝑦, with the provision that:

·        if 𝑦 dies first, then the original amount is payable during the remaining lifetime of 𝑥.

·        if 𝑥 dies first, then a percentage of the original amount is payable during the remaining lifetime of 𝑦.

Pop-up annuity

A joint & survivor annuity, with a provision that upon the death of 𝑦 while 𝑥 is alive, the payment amount to 𝑥 "pops up" to a given amount for the remaining lifetime of 𝑥.

Reversionary annuity

An annuity payable during the lifetime of 𝑦, with payments beginning upon the death of 𝑥.

Joint annuity

An annuity payable during the joint lifetime of 𝑥 and 𝑦, with payments stopping upon the first death, regardless of who dies first.