Mortality Improvement Scales and RP-2014 Mortality Tables
Mortality improvement scales MP-2014, MP-2015, MP-2016, MP-2017, MP-2018, MP-2019, MP-2020, MP-2021 are available.
EAC PV Tools handles the various RP-2014 mortality tables that were published by the Society of Actuaries in its final report issued on October 27, 2014. The SOA press release is here. The SOA web page here. The mortality tables are here (Excel). EAC PV Tools also handles mortality tables RPH-2014, RPH-2006, and RP-2006 underlying the 2014 tables without projection. All of the mortality tables are available (employee, healthy annuitant, disabled retiree, blue collar, white collar, bottom quartile, top quartile, juvenile). Generational mortality improvement can be applied.
EAC PV Tools handles the various RP-2014 mortality tables that were published by the Society of Actuaries in its final report issued on October 27, 2014. The SOA press release is here. The SOA web page here. The mortality tables are here (Excel). EAC PV Tools also handles mortality tables RPH-2014, RPH-2006, and RP-2006 underlying the 2014 tables without projection. All of the mortality tables are available (employee, healthy annuitant, disabled retiree, blue collar, white collar, bottom quartile, top quartile, juvenile). Generational mortality improvement can be applied.
- MP-2014: The mortality improvement scales are here (Excel).
- "Employee" tables end at age 80.
- "Annuitant" tables start at age 50.
- Users who wish to develop "Combined" tables can blend "Employee" and "Annuitant" tables using plan-specific retirement rate assumptions. A worksheet is provided showing how to create a user-defined table.
- If there is just one retirement age, a combined table using "Employee" rates until retirement, and "Annuitant" rates thereafter can be specified. For example, to use male "employee" mortality to age 62 and "healthy annuitant" mortality thereafter, with generational improvement starting at 2014, you would use rp2014-m@2014-c62/gen for the table name.
Demo of MP-2015 Mortality Improvement Scale and RP-2006 Table
Demo of MP-2016 Mortality Improvement Scale and RP-2014 Table