EAC Tools allows you to create user-defined 2-D mortality improvement scale. Here is how to do it.
Make a table of factors: In a new
worksheet, create your 2D table of factors. The table must be set up exactly
the same way as the SOA has set up the table for MP-2014 and MP-2015.
The Excel sheet can be downloaded from the SOA web site, or better yet, you can
have EAC Tools insert a sheet into your
current Excel workbook via the menu: EAC Tools, Sheets, Mortality
Improvement Scales Library, Mortality Improvement Scales Library, click
on a scale name. Then you can edit the sheet by
creating your own 2D table of factors. Be sure to keep everything in the same
rows and columns. Enter your table descriptor in cell A1 (cells A2 and A3 are not used).
Create the file:
Save your factors in a CSV
(Comma delimited) (*.csv) file.
File, Save As, CSV (Comma delimited)
b. Save the file in the same folder that contains the add-in file, C:\Users\Public\.
c. The file name can be whatever you want. It is recommended that the name end with “m” for male, and “f” for female.
d. The file extension should be .CSV which is the default offered by Excel.
3. Use the scale name just as you would use any other built-in scale name. Your
custom table will appear in the library of tables in the “User-Defined”
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