

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

The add-in inserts itself into Excel’s ribbon menu, where its functionality is easily accessible.

In Excel, click on EAC Tools to show the menu.

The Insert menu allows you to:

·        insert a demonstration of a function along with its parameter descriptions into a range at the active cell.

·        insert a pre-formatted table into a range at the active cell.

·        insert a new pre-formatted sheet into the active workbook.

·        insert the Mortality Table Wizard into a range at the active cell.

The Quick Pick menu allows you to quickly insert a demonstration of the PVSL and PVJL functions along with their parameter descriptions into a range at the currently selected cell.

The Function Library works the same as Excel’s standard “function library”. When you select a function, it is inserted into the active cell, and Excel’s standard, “insert function” dialog box pops up allowing you to view and enter the function’s various parameters.

Excel’s “Help on this function” also works for all EAC functions.



Excel’s Help on this function feature for User Defined Functions seems to have been disabled by Microsoft with Version 2303 (Build 16227.20212) of Microsoft 365. This version was released on March 28, 2023.

Everything was working nicely in the prior Version 2302 (Build 16130.20332)


The Library of Tables menu has buttons for mortality tables and mortality improvement scales that shows a pop-up box with all of the tables in the library along with lots of additional useful information.

The More menu contains many other features such as:

·        The ability to audit an EAC function to show exactly how the result was calculated.

·        Quick access to the IRS 417(e) minimum present value segment rates, and IRS 430(h) pension plan funding segment rates.

·        Links to numerous web sites.

·        Download of most recent data directly from the relevant web sites: Segment rates, Treasury rates, Federal mid-term rates, FTSE spot rates, IRS spot rates, ERISA 4044 yield curve, CPI values from the BLS; Social Security amounts.

·        Macros to create a user-defined mortality table and a user-defined 1D mortality improvement scale.

The Help menu contains lots of other helpful information:

·        Links to this Help File (this document) containing detailed information on every formula, as well as technical documentation of the calculations.

·        Links to several helpful “how-to” demos.

·        Help and examples on how to define the interest rate parameter.

·        The EAC Explainer provides a pop-up text box showing detailed information for the item in the currently selected cell:

-   an EAC function (not all functions are supported yet),

-   a mortality table,

-   an interest rate.

·        Update EAC References forces a recalculation of all EAC functions.

·        About EAC Tools: version information, EULA, activation, links to on-line news, etc.