Excel Functions in EAC ToolsExcel Functions in EAC Tools\Regulatory limits and other functionsRegulatory limits and other functions\Social Security functionsSocial Security functions\SSSGABlind, SSSGANonBlind


These functions share the same syntax:

·        SSSGABlind returns the monthly Social Security substantial gainful activity (SGA) amount for statutorily blind individuals.

·        SSSGANonBlind returns the monthly Social Security substantial gainful activity (SGA) amount for statutorily non-blind individuals.

To be eligible for disability benefits, a person must be unable to engage in substantial gainful activity (SGA). A person who is earning more than a certain monthly amount (net of impairment-related work expenses) is ordinarily considered to be engaging in SGA. The amount of monthly earnings considered as SGA depends on the nature of a person's disability. The Social Security Act specifies a higher SGA amount for statutorily blind individuals; Federal regulations specify a lower SGA amount for non-blind individuals. This amount changes each year with changes in the National Average Wage Index (NAE).

The Social Security SGA amount for year 𝑥 is based on the following formula:



The resulting amount is rounded to the nearest multiple of $10.

More information can be found at the Social Security web site.


SSSGABlind (DeterminationYear, [LawYear], [WageInflation])

SSSGANonBlind (DeterminationYear, [LawYear], [WageInflation])

Parameter Name



A 4 digit number. If the DeterminationYear is after the LawYear, this is a projected calculation based on the WageInflation assumption.


A 4 digit number.
Optional; default =


The assumed rate of increase in the National Average Wage.

This is used only for a projected calculation.

Optional: default = 0%