Excel Functions in EAC ToolsExcel Functions in EAC Tools\Regulatory limits and other functionsRegulatory limits and other functions\Social Security functionsSocial Security functions\SSCovDomesticEe, SSCovElectionWrk

SSCovDomesticEe, SSCovElectionWrk

These functions share the same syntax:

·        SSCovDomesticEe returns the Social Security coverage threshold amount for domestic employees for a year.

·        SSCovElectionWrk returns the Social Security coverage threshold amount for election workers for a year.

A coverage threshold is an amount of earnings that triggers coverage under the Social Security program. Earnings below the threshold are not taxable under Social Security nor do such earnings count toward future benefits. For most wage earners, there is no coverage threshold; that is, every dollar of wages is covered and taxable. This amount changes each year with changes in the National Average Wage Index (NAE).

The Social Security coverage threshold amount for year 𝑥 is based on the following formula:

The resulting amount, if not a multiple of $100, is rounded down to the next lowest multiple of $100.

Note: Public Law 103-387 established the domestic employee coverage threshold amounts for 1994 ($1,000) and 1995 ($1,000) and provided for automatic determinations thereafter.


The resulting amount, if not a multiple of $100, is rounded to the nearest multiple of $100.

Note: Public Law 103-296 established the election official and worker threshold amounts for 1994  ($100) and 1995-1999 ($1,000) and provided for automatic determinations thereafter.

More information can be found at the Social Security web site.


SSCovDomesticEe (DeterminationYear, [LawYear], [WageInflation])

SSCovElectionWrk (DeterminationYear, [LawYear], [WageInflation])

Parameter Name



A 4 digit number. If the DeterminationYear is after the LawYear, this is a projected calculation based on the WageInflation assumption.


A 4 digit number.
Optional; default =


The assumed rate of increase in the National Average Wage.

This is used only for a projected calculation.

Optional: default = 0%